Saturday, December 29, 2012

Remembering Emily

    When you spend enough time with certain people, like the group of people you grow up with and eventually graduate with, you somehow form a bond.  Even though you aren't close with every single person, you are still bonded with your graduating class for the rest of your life.

    On Thursday, December 27 around 7:30 am, one of the members of my graduating class was murdered.  Emily Weikert's amazing life was cut short at the hands of a man who could not have been mentally stable.  You can read it in the article what he did, but I don't want to remember him in this post. 

    I have been thinking about her and, although we graduated seven years ago I can still remember her in the hallways, sitting in class, being a good person to others.  She is the kind of girl parents pray their children grow up to be.  She would be the one talking to the new kid in school, offering to show them around, introducing them to the other students.  She was on her way to being whatever she wanted, and that's not an exageration.  She was incredibly gorgeous and smart.

    I hate that it took something this awful to make me realize just how important it is to tell those people you care about, what it is that makes them special.  I would do anything to go back and tell her, that her smiling at me everytime I saw her meant so much to me.  She never seemed to have a bad day, she was always smiling and willing to help out anyone in need.  It was amazing seeing all of our classmates posting a special message to Emily on Facebook.  Everyone she ever touched left her a special message, I hope she saw mine.  We live in a big world, but our little bonded group took a heavy blow on Thursday morning, one we wont recover from.

    It is an awful feeling seeing the image and name of someone you know above the title, woman killed in parking garage.  It's eerie, like I am waiting for her to post something new on Facebook about how weird that they mixed her up with another person.

   I know she's in a better place, and I pray that in her final moments she was at peace, and I pray she knows how much she meant to so many people.  She was one of those faces that made high school for me, we had a few interesting conversations in random high school classes, and she always gave things a positive outlook.  I pray she knows how much those conversations meant to me.  She was beautiful, inside and out.

Here is a link to the news story from Thursday.

I used the same picture that has been used on the news, the same from her LinkedIn profile, because she kept her Facebook private and I wanted to make sure her privacy remaind intact.