Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winterset City Park

Last fall Dario and I wanted to take the kids for a walk, but I wanted it to be more then just a regular walk to our park down the street.  A few of my friends suggested going for a walk at the Winterset City Park, because there would be an exciting surprise for the kids at the end of it.  Be warned though, it was a super long walk, I'm not sure of the exact distance, but there were a lot of cars passing us.

Getting to the top was a little steep, but once you get there it is totally worth it!

Can you believe these views!?!?

It was such a great experience all around.  Lots of animals, beautiful views, awesome little castle and fresh air.  The kids had so much fun and loved how long the walk was.  We highly suggest a day at Winsterset City Park.  I wish we had brought food for a picnic, something to remember for next time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Chicago 2013

I love visiting Chicago for so many reasons!  It's clean, it's fun, it brings up the warm fuzzy memories of my childhood, but the biggest reason is my family is there.  Visiting Chicago means my dad, my stepmother and my awesome, giant little brother.  I say giant, because he's been a whole head taller then me since he was 11 years old.  Dario was given an extra weeks vacation from work when he was promoted and he suggested we use it during Christmas time in Chicago.  He knows that's my favorite time to be in the city.  I love seeing the windows at Marshall Field's...yes, I realize it's Macy's now, but it will always be Marshall Field's to me!

The kids love my dad's cats.  If only my throat didn't swell up and cause impending death, we could get one too...

The kitty snuggled up to the kids, rolling on them slowly in
attempts to wake them up.

We went to Marshall Field's, like usual.  We try to see Santa when we visit, but unfortunatly the line was four hours minimum...not happening...but, the windows made it all worth it.

My dad gave my stepmom the sweetest looking German Christmas shadow box made by Käthe Wohlfahrt.  They told me they just bought it at the Christkindlmarket in Chicago, so I immediately decided we were going.

 Spent some wonderful time walking around the city.  Seeing it up against the lightly falling snow was....amazing.  I saved you guys the endless amounts of photos my husband took of scenes from the movie Transformers.  I swear, every time we're in the city I have to hear about it.  Oh, that's where Optimus Prime fought this guy, oh, that's where Shia defeated this guy, oh, yeah yeah yeah, got it babe.

We finished the busy day in the city by sitting in on my dad's radio show at the Tribune.  The kids were really tired at this point, so if anyone was listening to his show on December 14, that was my son screaming in the background from tiredness, they aren't torturing children.

I love the layout of the set.  My dad gets to communicate with
the people walking by outside the building.

 I was pretty excited for the evening entertainment.  We went to the Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire, Illinois.  We saw Mary Poppins in a circular theatre, which I love.  It was a fantastic show.  Let's just say, Charlie sat through the ENTIRE thing.  We were in the front row and the usher told us we wouldn't be able to get up once the show started for anything.  Nothing terrifies a mother of a toddler more then telling her she CANNOT get up for anything during a live show....that you're in the front row of.  Still, I was able to enjoy the show.

...and here's a hilarious photo of my son knocked out after the wonderful day...that didn't include a nap.


Ate breakfast here before we headed home.
Awesome snowman pancakes with rainbow

For more information on the Christkindlmarket, click here!

For more information on my dad, Bill Moller's, radio show, click HERE!

If you would like information on the Marriott Theatre you should click here!