Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rome, Italy for the Day

So, I haven't posted in a while, but in March I was asked to join Drake University's study abroad students who were heading to Turkey.  Ooooobviously, I said yes.  It was a nightmare journey getting there, I mean, I literally stayed awake for just over 36 hours, because I can't sleep on an airplane and I can't waste a perfectly awesome opportunity to travel when I have a super long layover.  My first layover was in Chicago, which was eight hours long.  I landed at 8 AM and had my dad pick me up so we could explore the city.  At 4 PM I was back at the airport to spend the next 13 hours flying to Rome, Italy.
     The plane was delayed an hour, and I only had two hours in-between flights, which ended up not being enough time.  I missed the next flight to Istanbul and the airline had rescheduled me on the next flight, which was nine hours later.  Ok, I'm sitting there, at Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino airport with nine hours and nothing to do.  I grabbed my bag, my passport, and two girls I met on the plane and headed out to explore.  We received some incredibly confusing directions to the Colosseum and left.  Needless to say, I would rather spend nine hours eating gelato at the Colosseum any day.

Besa, such a bright, spirited girl, perfect
personality for adventure.

I NEVER thought this is what I would be doing during my Italy layover.  I was so thankful, for once, for my ticket transfer.

The boxers made me giggle.

When in Rome!

Taking the subway to get back to the train station.
Thankfully, we found the train station after being completely turned around and confused for longer than we expected.

I would say we had an incredible day, completed with lemon and strawberry gelato.  I've always wanted to try it, but not until I was actually in Italy. Blessed!

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